Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 1 Lab by Kevin Kuga

A good map of New Zealand

I consider this map to be a good map for several reasons. Firstly, even though there is no legend or North Arrow the map clearly shows the location and major roads that connect the large cities of the country. It also represents the major cities in bold lettering which helps to show the larger populated cities. Another reason this is a good map is that the map is very simple and does not have too much or too little information on it. It would be very easy for someone who has no familiarity with the country to understand the general layout of it.

A bad map of Australia

This map of Australia is not a representation of a good map because it is very difficult to comprehend and understand. For starters, there is just too much information on this map. Even though the names of the bodies of water, territories, and cities are labeled in different colors, the map is still difficult to read to fully comprehend where certain landmarks are located. I do find the coloring of the ocean being black as a helpful way to read the labels more clearly, however it does not make up for my inability to get a basic grasp of the region.

Population Density Maps
This map shows the population density of Asians by county across the continental United States. The Red counties have a population of less than .01 Asian individuals per square mile, while bright green colored counties have a population greater than 1000 individuals per square mile. The highest concentrations of Asians are located in the major city areas around the country. Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Chicago, and New York City are among the highest.
This population density map shows the distribution of Blacks across the nation. The lighter colors represent a smaller density of Blacks within the highlighted county. The darker colored counties are where the highest population densities are found. Similarly to the Asian population map, this map also shows that the largest densities are found within major cities. However, this map does also show that there is a large difference between the densities of southern counties and north western counties, which is not so clearly defined on the Asian map.
My final map shows the population density of races other than White, Black, Asian, Native American, and Pacific Islanders. On this map, the yellow represents the lowest of densities, while the darker reds show the higher. One thing in particular about this map is that most of the highest populations are located on the coastlines and the border with Mexico. However, just like the past two maps, the highest concentrations are still located in the major cities.

...... Sorry about the typo in the map titles......

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