Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Final Project (Part 1. MLB Teams Map)

For the second part of my final project I made a very similar map to that of the previous maps. I still used the ArcScene program for most of my project, however for this map I was able to manufacture a working map somewhat quicker. The speed of the program was another hinderance, but I was able to bypass many of the more frustrating steps.
I have provided another reference map of the city names of each team(s). However, one major difference between this part and the last is that I was able to make an animated video of my map. I was unable to put a legend on the video unfortunately, so I am only able to say that the perimeters for this map are the same as that of the NFL Teams 3D maps.

Final Project (Part 1. NFL Teams Map)

For the first part of my final project I choose to map the NFL teams by state. I chose this because I needed to use data that I could easily acquire. My reasoning for this is that I used the program ArcScene to make most of my maps. The ArcScene program was very difficult to work with because I had to learn how to use everything from scratch. I quickly learn that the program also runs slow at times, which made it particularly frustrating to work with. However, in the end I am fairly happy with the resulting maps that I was able to create.
The first map is just for a reference of the names of the cities that each team(s) is located. The second map is a representation of how many teams are in each state. The taller the mapped state, the more teams that are located within it. There is also a legend to show different label points that also represent the number of teams per state or the number of teams per city. The third and fourth maps are just for viewing purposes. They have no labeling, but I feel give a better 3D perspective of the maps that I created.

East to West View

West to East View

Sunday, March 7, 2010